*** Working for continuous improvement in public agencies. ***

Lansing Area Alert Watchdogs

Working to make public agencies transparent, collaborative, modern, and effective.

Alert Watchdogs
Alert Watchdogs in Lansing, MI

News Stories

June 2, 2021: Eleven grants awarded for watershed management projects in Michigan, WULC.

April 23, 2021: Cristina Tuser reports on the Flint drinking water crisis: 7 years later, wwdmag.com.

Dec. 23, 2019: Seitz, Thomsen, and Golinsky discuss PFAS provisions in Defense Bill, BloombergEnvironment.com.

June 21, 2019: Julie Mack reports on how the MSU and Flint Water cases show the challenges of holding public officials accountable, MLive.com.

June 13, 2019: Paul Egan reports Flint Water criminal charges dismissed, Detroit Free Press.

June 9, 2019: Brian Dickerson reports on Flint lead prosecutors, Detroit Free Press.

May 30, 2019: Kim Kozlowski asks new MSU president about transparency, The Detroit News.

Alert Watchdogs in Lansing

Alert Watchdogs in Michigan

Alert Watchdogs | MI and NC | (919) 945-4902